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Updated: Feb 12, 2021

tried and tested products we recommend trying

We have spent 5 years seeking out 'natural' products from across the globe. From America to Sri Lanka, to Greece and back to the UK we really have spent a lot of time and money trying to find products that are not just natural but actually work and do not have any undesired effects.

This soap is a lovely green soap made from just 4 ingredients; Olive oil, Water, Salt (Sodium Chloride) and Citric acid. It's super economic to!

People with short hair might find that they can use this on their hair as well as body. The fragrance is not what you would expect but certainly eliminates other unwanted body odours.

Out of all the soaps we have tried this one had possibly the least drying effect on the skin and hair. It's a favourite for us that we alternate with 'Handmade Natural Shower gel'.

You can find online in many stores including Amazon. Click here to buy.

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