Tummy friendly and easier to make than you think, sourdough is a
delicious alternative to normal bread. Here in this article are some
facts about sourdough and the benefits of eating it, enjoy!
· What is Sourdough? And how is it made? Sourdough is a type of bread that is said to originate from the Middle East a few thousand years ago. How it’s made begins with a fermented mixture of flour and water, which contain a group of microbes which include wild yeast and lactobacilli (which is part of the lactic acid bacteria group). A Starter dough is made from scratch with flour (often rye or spelt) and water and takes at least 54 hours for it to become usable. Some people use water that contains some sugars from soaked dried fruit to start the process off. The starter dough or a mother dough is mixed with flour and water to make a final dough of the desired consistency, and creates a finished dough ready for proving to then be baked.
· Is Sourdough better than normal bread? Yes it is, it’s easier to digest which is amazing. It is also great for people who suffer with IBS as its less likely to cause discomfort when eating compared to other types of breads, its especially less likely to do so if the sourdough is made with organic spelt, emmer, rye or einkorn flour.
· Organic is a must! Glyphosate, also known as Roundup is used as a herbicide by farmers on crops to kill weeds, manufacturers claim it breaks down fast in soil and is non-toxic to humans. HOWEVER tests done by Friends of the Earth Europe hired an independent Lab in Germany in 2013 to test samples of urine for glyphosate from people in European countries. Results showed that 70% of people from the UK had traces of this specific weed killer in their urine. Dr Robin from the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics at Kings Collage in London states: “We know Roundup, the commercial name of glyphosate-based herbicides, contains many other chemicals, which when mixed together are 1,000 times more toxic than glyphosate on its own”
· Spelt Flour. A flour we use a lot at Imagine Your Life is Spelt. Spelt is an ancient grain like and contains less gluten than normal wheat, thanks to its hardy husk it prevents insects from attacking the grain which means it is often grown using little or no pesticides. Spelt also contains higher levels of protein, manganese, niacin, thiamine, copper & vitamin B2 than regular wheat.
· Nutrition & Facts… Sourdough contains higher levels of folate and antioxidants than other breads. The fermentation process helps to increases folate and it also breaks down compounds called phytates. Phytates can bind to other nutrients in your gut and prevent absorption so lower phytate levels aids your body to absorb the nutrients in the bread. Organic sourdough breads can be a good source of minerals and vitamins such as… potassium, phosphate, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, selenium, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, Vitamin B1-B6, B12 and vitamin E.